Testing Catalog

$75 Per Test

Leaf tissue analysis determines nutrient content in plant tissues to provide a more precise fertilization program.

Analytes Tested For: Total Nitrogen, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Mn, Fe, Mo, Cu, B and Zn

$125 Per Test

A water analysis is important for wells because well water is usually high in salts, and levels often change. Even water from municipal sources can change in composition over time so regular testing is important to determine purity and safety. 

Analytes Tested For: pH, +NH4-N (Ammonium Nitrogen), NO3-N (Nitrate Nitrogen), Total Nitrogen N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Mn, Fe, Mo, Cu, B and Zn

$100 Per Test

A run-off analysis is a tool that is used to measure any imbalances in EC/pH in the medium. This can directly affect the root zone environment and their ability to uptake nutrients.

Measuring the Run-Off will tell you how much of the nutrients you’re administering to the plant is actually getting absorbed.

Analytes Tested For: pH, +NH4-N (Ammonium Nitrogen), NO3-N (Nitrate Nitrogen), Total Nitrogen N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Mn, Fe, Mo, Cu, B and Zn

$100 Per Test

Soil analysis is used to understand the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients and to determine optimal irrigation requirements.

We also test Coco Fiber, Peat Moss and Composted Forest Material.

Analytes Tested For: pH, +NH4-N (Ammonium Nitrogen), NO3-N (Nitrate Nitrogen), Total Nitrogen N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Mn, Fe, Mo, Cu, B and Zn

$100 Per Test

Fertilizer analysis is used to determine essential concentrations of Primary and Secondary and Micro nutrients in sampled fertilizers.

Analytes Tested For: +NH4-N (Ammonium Nitrogen), NO3-N (Nitrate Nitrogen), Total Nitrogen N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Mn, Fe, Mo, Cu, B and Zn

$100 Per Test

Nutrient Water analysis is used to determine the concentrations of nutrients in a mixed solution of multiple fertilizers diluted with water.

Analytes Tested For: +NH4-N (Ammonium Nitrogen), NO3-N (Nitrate Nitrogen), Total Nitrogen N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S, Mn, Fe, Mo, Cu, B and Zn

$50 Per Test

HLVd is a single-stranded, circular infectious RNA, is a plant pathogen that causes growth deficiencies and  stunting/dudding of the plant.  We can identify Hop Latent infections as well as Lettuce Chlorosis Virus, LCV  at all stages of growth and will help create action plans to reduce infection rates.

$125 Per Test

We test for toxic heavy metals Arsenic, Mercury, Cadmium and Lead that produce toxic effects on plants, such as low biomass accumulation, chlorosis, inhibition of growth and photosynthesis, altered water balance and nutrient assimilation which ultimately cause plant death.

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